Cleaning For A Cause

We believe in making a difference, which is why Ew, Cleaning provides free home cleaning to members of the local community who are going through difficult times in their life and could use some help getting their homes looking fresh and clean. Our team of volunteers will come to your home and take care of everything!

Ew, Cleaning will choose a client based on need, situation, health, or anything in between and clean their house once a month for three months. We believe in giving back to our community.  The Owner, Deanna Mears’ mom was going through Chemotherapy a couple of years ago and she had reached out to a company that said they helped with free cleanings to people going through chemotherapy, she reached out, but never heard back. In her situation she was bombarded with chemotherapy appointments, and surgeries, along with Deanna working full time, caring for her family, and just needed that extra help with cleaning and sanitizing for her Mom.  Now years later, after having her own cleaning company she now wants to help those in need with extra help and assistance when no one else will.

Ew, Cleaning will accept nominations from our community members year-round. We will announce the winners quarterly. If you would like to nominate someone, please email [email protected].

Clean For A Cause Recipients

December 2022
“We first met Nancy during her Intake session and found out that she was in need of a very deep clean. She told us that she had hired a local (very known) company to come out and clean. They quoted her, came out and cleaned, and then charged her $400 more than what was quoted. Once Nancy walked around her house she was not very pleased with the outcome as it was not thoroughly cleaned as she hoped for, it was more of a light dusting. After Meeting Nancy, seeing her home, and hearing her story about another cleaning company taking advantage I decided for her to be our first Cleaning for a Cause.” – Deanna Mears, Owner  

4320 Ringgold Road, Suite #4
Chattanooga, Tn 37412

(423) 834 -1979
[email protected]

100% Satisfaction

If you are not satisfied, we will send a team back to your property and re-clean that particular area at no additional charge.

Join Our Team

If you are interested in joining the Ew, Cleaning LLC team, please email us your resume and contact information. 
[email protected]

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